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Judges and Volunteers

Judges & Volunteers

Judge & Volunteer Registration for the 2025 Spring Fair

We anticipate that there will be approximately 150 student participants for the Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair. To evaluate projects and help to run the Science Fair a large number of judges and assistants are needed.

If you have an interest in science and wish to help foster an appreciation of science in students from Grades 4 through 12 register below to help.

The schedule for the Science Fair can be found further down this page. Judges are needed on Sunday morning, April 6 and would be expected to evaluate about 5-6 projects as part a team. Some judges may be required in the afternoon as well. It is an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

Judge & Volunteer Registration: Link will be provided soon .

Volunteers for judging Specialty Awards on Sunday afternoon do not need to register, but names should be communicated to the organizing committee.

If in doubt about the registration procedure see Judge & Volunteer Registration Explained (Link will be inserted soon)

Fair Schedule and Location – (Get a PDF copy of the Science Fair Schedule 2025 [1]) (to be updated)

The Fair will be run in the Elliott Lecture Wing at the University of Victoria [2].
You can download a Campus Map [3]. The nearest public parking is in Lot #1 – grid D4. The MacLaurin Building is in grid B4. The Bob Wright Centre (Earth and Ocean Sciences) is in grid C4 close to the Elliott Building.

Science Fair Schedule

Parents and Teachers

