- SAYS - https://www.virsf.ca -


The Society for the Advancement of Young Scientists

SAYS is responsible for all aspects of running the Vancouver Island Regional Science Fair in Victoria. One of the primary goals for SAYS is to promote science to students in the school system. The fair provides a way for students to come together and share their accomplishments with other students from other schools, and with the public.

 President Bethany Robson SAYSpresident@gmail.com [1]
 Past President(s) Andrea Chan
Randy Enkin
Richard Calderwood
andreachan97@gmail.com [2]
renkin@nrcan.gc.ca [3]
rcalderwood@shaw.ca [4]
 Vice President Naomi Liu gawing.liu@gmail.com [5]
 Secretary Fawzan Hussain fawzan@shaw.ca [6]
 Treasurer Gerry Poulton gpoulton@uvic.ca [7]
 UVic Liaison
 VIRSF Chair Rossi Marx rmmarx@uvic.ca [8]
 Trophies Gerry Poulton gpoulton@uvic.ca [7]
Chief Judge Martin Liu chiefjudge.virsf@gmail.com [9]
 Webmaster Gordon Greeniaus lggree@shaw.ca [10]

SAYS is a fully charitable society, and can issue tax receipts in exchange for donations.

Running the fair and sending the winners to the Canada Wide Science Fair [11] is a costly business, and any help is always welcome. If you wish to make a donation, please contact Gerry Poulton (gpoulton@uvic.ca [7]) and he will be happy to respond, or use the DONATE NOW link on the Home Page. Donations can range from simply assisting with Science Fair financing to providing an award.

Volunteers are always very welcome to join, especially to help out with the running of the Science Fair. The dates of the fair are listed on the dates page. If you are interested in volunteering, or joining SAYS, or just want to find out what volunteers can do at the fair contact Rossi Marx, the Fair Chair, by email (rmmarx@uvic.ca [8]) or by phone (250-721-7089).